Ways of Measuring Growth.

Operating from a place of abundance rather than scarcity. Responding instead of reacting. Trusting your heart and gut before making a decision. Accepting things as they are instead of automatically trying to change them. Arriving on time. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt. Turning down a client because it doesn’t feel aligned. Creating space in your schedule to rest. Honoring that space. Selecting foods that nourish you. Moving your body because you love and care for it, not because you’re punishing it. Inviting in boredom because it’s a portal for new ideas. Trusting the timing of life. Not panicking when you’re in a season of hibernation and everyone else is harvesting. Letting go of FOMO and choosing to do things because they genuinely delight and excite you. Not criticizing your younger self, but rather thanking them for everything they endured, survived, and learned. Those experiences were the gifts of your becoming.