Roasted Beet and Cara Cara Orange Salad

My daily watercolors that I've been painting and posting for #the100dayproject have given me a new appreciation for color. I love the vibrant and rich contrasts that can be created with whole foods, knowing that each color has a specific antioxidant for optimal health. This is why we encourage everyone to 'eat the rainbow.'

Tonight I made this roasted beet and orange salad and paired it with a tangy citrus vinaigrette:

  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 2 Tbsp organic honey
  • 1/4 c. olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste

Roasted beets, cara cara oranges with rainbow quinoa and topped with dill and walnuts.

The tangy citrus paired well with the sweetness of the roasted beets, and the walnuts added a delicious texture to the salad. Incorporating more colors into your meals is an easy way to add more nutrition and joy into your day... ENJOY!

Your Art.

Marin Headlands, where this poem rang true in my heart during my run... officially Day 1 of #The100DayProject.

your art
is not about how many people
like your work
your art
is about
if your heart likes your work
if your soul likes your work
it’s about how honest
you are with yourself
and you
must never
trade honesty
for relatability.
— rupi kaur


On Tuesday, April 4th, #The100DayProject officially started. This year I'm part of The Creative Collective, a small tribe led by Elle Luna and Lindsay Jean Thomson. I decided I wanted to do a deep-dive into this project with fellow creatives to learn and be inspired by. Their projects range from animation, videos, digital portraits, watercolors, writing...

When preparing my write-up of last year's project for this blog, I was thumbing through lots of my old journal entries. I discovered some pockets of prose that were universal themes- on love, loss, self-doubt, triumph, partnership. I try to be as authentic and transparent as I can be in my writing, but it's always a scary thing when we put our work out into the world. To help me become more comfortable, this year I decided to pair pieces of my raw writing with watercolored images or photos. For me, these 100 days will be a journey of discovery...seeing how these themes are woven in my life, the ways I create meaning around them as I grow and change, and how my individual experience may actually be felt universally.

You can follow me along on Instagram: @juliannekanzaki. If you'd like to join along, it's not too late! Just choose one creative action you'll do for the next 100 days, create a unique hashtag so your body of work is stored in one place, and enjoy the process.

enjoy the process.

I completed Day 1 in a frenzy late last night and was so utterly embarrassed by my work. But I posted it anyways. I know I'll have days like this in the future. In fact, I'll have many days like this. But through it all, I will get better at carving out the time, the space, and learn how to better dance with my fear. Please join me for your own #the100DayProject and find out for yourself how much you'll learn about yourself, your creativity, and your inner artist.