Julianne Kanzaki

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Change Your Perspective.

Last week I started making art and writing from a different side of my table. Sitting in a new place has generated more creative ideas, in part, because it has literally changed my perspective of the world. I’m now facing my living room, with the sunlight shining on the right side of my body. My monstera and money tree plants and bamboo and orchid and fiddle fig are all thriving and growing in front of me. My vision board for 2022 is visible on the wall to the front right side of my visual field, and I feel, well, refreshed and reinvigorated.

Working from a new angle sparks new neural connections. It’s such a simple, small change that has profoundly impacted my creativity. I write today from this new spot, sipping my coffee and staring outside at a part of the sky that’s been obscured from my view for the past two years.

I invite you to change your scenery, or the angle of where you decide to work/play/create (even if it’s within the confines of your own house). Mix it up a bit! Seeing the world from a new angle and direction may inject your work with a new vigor and energy.