Julianne Kanzaki

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Wants and Needs.

SCA Trail, Marin Headlands

Two weeks ago, my dad messaged me- “Don’t get me anything for Christmas. I have no wants or needs. Thanks.”

He’s at a place in life that I hope to arrive at one day. Unlike him, I have wants and needs, but nature satisfies many of them.

Nature is the best gift when I need to clear my head or be alone with my thoughts. When I want to build a deeper connection with someone for hours without sitting at a coffee shop. When I need novelty and want to experience the thrill of discovering and exploring a new trail. When I want to remind myself of my breath and being in this sacred body.

Just as some watch reruns of their favorite shows or movies because knowing the ending eases anxiety, the solace of a familiar, well-loved trail gives me the same stability and ease. If I could send a text to nature I’d say, “You’ve already given me everything- health, connection, exploration and comfort. I have no wants or needs. Thanks.”