Julianne Kanzaki

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Stepping Stones.

I wish I could tell my younger self that life eventually has a way of working itself out in the most unexpected ways. To trust that it is always teaching you, and one day you’ll have the bravery to lean into those difficult conversations and stay curious because on the other side is freedom and a pure knowingness that you stayed true to yourself. And Truth will always set you free.

I wish I could tell my younger self that life- just like shaping pottery- requires a certain amount of pressure in order to be shaped and molded. It’s often unsettling and precarious and uncomfortable, but necessary for transformation. I wish I could tell my younger self that one day the sunset will look more unforgettable than ever, and you’ll surprise yourself at the life you’ve created because it was not at all what you’d planned. And yet, it contains the glimmering hope of everything you had imagined and intentionally cultivated.

I wish I could tell my younger self that you’re allowed to speak up and unapologetically change your mind and continue to always follow your curiosity and intuition. That sometimes life isn’t at all what you’d expect it to be. But later you’ll see how all those rocks in your path weren’t obstacles- they were stepping stones to get you to where you are now.