Julianne Kanzaki

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Love is Everywhere.

When you learn to see, love is everywhere.

The parent who always nagged you to bring a jacket. Or asked you to call when you arrived to your destination. The friend who would deliberately make you change places while walking so he’d be closest to the street side, even if you were mid-conversation. The coach who encouraged you to race the 200 IM, even when you felt inadequate and afraid. The teacher who stayed after class to help you better understand a chemistry problem. The mentor who continued to meet with you weekly, even when you couldn’t see your own progress and felt frustrated. The friend who never abandoned you, even when everyone else was confused with decisions you’d made in life. The dog who wouldn’t leave your side when you couldn’t get out of bed. The partner who tucked love notes in your bag for you to find in the middle of your busy day, just so you could laugh and smile and be reminded of the simple things in life.

Love is everywhere when we learn to see.