Julianne Kanzaki

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Dress Up Your Toast!

An ode to my childhood days of playing with paper dolls.

If you’re craving a simple sweet/savory snack chock full of fiber, look no further. Sprouted whole grain bread (like Ezekiel’s bread) topped with these combos can provide you with a balanced amount of macronutrients to power you through the mid-afternoon. The healthy fat and carbohydrates (like in nut butter and fruit) are especially perfect for pre-workout when you can utilize the carbohydrates for fuel. Or try a savory combo like hummus and cucumber for a perfect pairing of protein and fiber from the hummus. The food synergy found in the combination of avocado and tomato packs a powerful punch since the heathy fat in avocado helps the body absorb almost 4x the amount of lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant found in tomatoes that helps prevent cancer and cataracts, reduces inflammation and keeps skin looking smoother.

So whether you’re craving sweet or savory, there are many healthy and nutritious combos to try…all which support gut health, stabilize blood sugar, and provide nutrient-dense energy. What’s your favorite combo?