Julianne Kanzaki

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Learning How to Learn.

My first piece of artwork using the program Paper53.

One of the most important meta-skills in life is learning how to learn.

I’m excited to be collaborating with some amazing and talented artists for future projects this year. They are extremely well-versed in digital design, data visualization and visual thinking in general. Of course! This is their specialty and profession. I had to remind myself of this as I navigated and fumbled around a new app, Paper53. I watched Youtube tutorials and took a Skillshare course with Shantell Martin. She used one of the fat markers and doodled squiggly lines and reminded me to “PLAY! HAVE FUN! TRY EVERYTHING!”

I had to gently remind myself that my education was in calculating tube feed rates, being able to look at a set of lab parameters and determine what formula to give a patient, how to calculate energy needs using adjusted body weight, and now, using motivational interviewing to promote behavior change. My education wasn’t rooted in color palettes and shading and formatting.

I relaxed. Every master was once a beginner. And so I played, and got frustrated, and started again, and found my rhythm and also the humor in learning and being a student again. It’s humbling. But everything truly is ‘figureoutable.’

Ancora Imparo. Still, I am learning.

It’s a long road. Today I took a few steps, and made this piece of art on Paper53 which was really fun. (Also, kudos to all the psychologists and therapists out there. We need you, especially during this time).