Julianne Kanzaki, MPH, RDN, NBC-HWC is a registered dietitian, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and author of Food For Thought: Simple Ways to Nourish Your Body and Soul. Her personal journey led her to discover the powerful combination of whole food plant-based nutrition, the healing power of nature, and mindfulness-based practices for stress resilience. Together, these components became the foundation of The Kanzaki Method™.  Her holistic framework integrates science-based tools with habit change to empower her clients to experience higher levels of physical and emotional health, connection, and purpose. She fuses creativity with evidence-based science to design customized solutions with her clients that help deepen connection, joy, and purpose in their everyday lives.

Julianne received her MPH from Loma Linda University and her 12+ years as a clinical dietitian provides her with an extensive understanding of nutrition across all ages and disease conditions. In 2017, she traded in her white labcoat and dove wholeheartedly into the dynamic, collaborative field of health and wellness coaching and became board certified in 2020. She currently consults with companies in the areas of wellness, stress resilience, optimizing nutrition, and behavior change. Her presentations are a compelling fusion of her artwork, storytelling, and evidence-based science. In her free time, you can find her creating Kanzaki Cards, which are featured at Letter Perfect (winner of Palo Alto’s 2021 Best Stationary Store). She enjoys performing spoken word poetry, making art, and fusing creativity, ritual, and nature as healing modalities for individuals and groups.


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  • National Board Certified for Health and Wellness Coaching

  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

  • California Dietetic Association

  • Wellcoaches Certified Health and Wellness Coach

  • Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group

  • Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine Dietetic Practice Group

  • Nutrition Entrepreneurs Dietetic Practice Group