Julianne Kanzaki

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New Year's Blessings.

The epic views from my coast ride.

May 2020 be filled with self-discovery and growth.

I hope you move your body in new ways and give yourself time and permission to explore places and cultures that have always intrigued you.
I hope you read books outside of your usual genre and challenge yourself to think in new ways. Explore your limits and expand the people you’re around— Gravity’s not the only thing that keeps us weighted down.
I hope your words build more bridges than walls and you plant seeds of encouragement, affirmation, possibility, and potential.
I hope this is the year you step outside your comfort zone and take classes and lessons in the areas you’ve always been curious about.
I hope when you feel life is unraveling that you will remember how love has always threaded you back together. Use it to sew wholeness back into your heart and remember that being alone does not equate to loneliness.
I hope you remember the power in the ink of your pen to rewrite the ending to your story.
I hope you give yourself grace to try again and permission to feel alive again.
I hope this year you tune out the nonsense and tune into your essence.
I hope you remember that the world needs you.
And you are enough.

Here’s to 2020!